Spend the night at Hotel Villa Belvedere in Argegno

Hotel Belvedere in Argegno is a fine hotel on the edge of Lake Como. The perfect location to discover Lake Como, close to the ferry and opposite the atmospheric village square of Argegno.

Hotel Villa Belvedere in Argegno… Busy maneuvering to park our car in the last free space and just then our phone rings: “Hello sir, this is Hotel Villa Belvedere…” A friendly woman asks when we would check in at the hotel. Telepathy, because we are just parking in the last free space of the parking lot of… Hotel Villa Belvedere!

Today we make a short stopover at Lake Como. The final destination are the French Alps for a ski trip, but the detour along Como is permitted. blog has to keep running, right?

Hotel Villa Belvedere in Argegno
Je kan eventueel een plaatsje reserveren aan 10 euro per nacht op de parking

Hotel Villa Belvedere has long been in the back of our minds as a possible blog post. Why? Hmmm just a premonition… Every time we drive through Argegno, the hotel catches the eye. Beautifully painted ocher brown with the name of the hotel in large white letters. Private parking in front of the hotel and of course the perfect location on the water’s edge. Never thought this hotel would fit into our price range: an overnight stay should in principle not cost us more than 100 euros. We pay 89 euros breakfast inclusive. It is low season and the room was in promo on booking.com, but nevertheless this remains a competitive price!

The hospitable receptionist hands us the key to room 9: a beautiful room with a view of Lake Como. The room is average in size and nicely finished. The bathroom with shower is small. There is of course free WIFI and all necessary facilities are available. So nothing to complain about!

Hotel Villa Belvedere in Argegno
Kamer 9 van Hotel Villa Belvedere heeft vista sul lago
Hotel Villa Belvedere in Argegno
Verzorgde hotelkamer

Tonight we will not eat in the hotel restaurant. We made a reservation for a table -once again- in Il Trattoria del Fagiano in Moltrasio. It will become a habit that we will not (yet) deviate from… We stir up the appetite with a fresh glass of prosecco in the wine bar “Il Cantinone” in Argegno. As a guest of Hotel Villa Belvedere you get a discount in this wine bar on the village square of Argegno, diagonally opposite the hotel.

The aperitif in wine bar Il Cantinone is very special to us: we toast on a very special person tonight… Cheers dear Kristin!

Enoteca Il Cantinone in Argegeno
In wijnbar Il Cantignone krijg je als gast van Hotel Villa Belvedere korting

The next morning a thick pack of clouds hangs over the lake. We deliberate and decide to drive straight to France after breakfast. We don’t feel like walking under threatening rain clouds. What’s left for us then? Enjoy our breakfast…

Hotel Villa Belvedere in Argegno
Ontbijten met zicht op het Comomeer
Hotel Villa Belvedere in Argegno
Een uitgebreid onbijt in buffetvorm, inbegrepen in onze kamerprijs

Hotel Villa Belvedere has a beautiful, spacious veranda, which can be used as a breakfast room and restaurant. The view of Lake Como is fantastic and inspiring, even with cloudy weather. Expectations are met: the breakfast buffet is provided and offers everything a tummy desires. An extensive choice of charcuterie, sweets, bread, fruit juice, hard-boiled eggs, yogurt and fresh fruit. wo more cups of strong coffee and we are ready-to-go…

Hotel Villa Belvedere is highly recommended. If you have the choice, we would recommend this hotel in the spring or autumn. Or in the warm summer months… Why? The hotel has a beautiful terrace and a separate sun terrace with sun loungers. With the sun you can undoubtedly enjoy the facilities of the hotel even more.

Hotel Villa Belvedere in Argegno
In z'n okerkleurige jas springt Hotel Villa Belvedere in het oog

We pay for our room and say a la prossima volta! One last tip? In the parking lot we quickly replace a flat tire of a helpless Brazilian who took a kerb when entering the hotel parking lot with his Fiat. So, when you turn in, take your turn wide enough!

Picture of Liselotte en Paul

Liselotte en Paul

Enthousiaste schouders onder onze blog Amiamo Lago di Como. Onze passie voor het Comomeer uitschrijven, dat is wat we graag doen!
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