Apartment of Hotel Vapore in Torno

We book an apartment of Hotel Vapore in Torno and celebrate New Year 2017 on Lake Como. A nice hotel with a good location in Torno and with friendly staff. The terrace on the edge of the water invites you for a cozy dinner, in the summer of course.

Apartment of Hotel Vapore in Torno… It took a little longer to find a budget-friendly hotel for our New Year’s Eve trip. Many hotels are closed this time of year. We ended up booking Hotel Vapore in Torno through booking.com.

We are well known in Torno by now. We have already praised the beautiful village square extensively and made it our favourite. Hotel Vapore flanks the square and is almost touching the water of Lake Como. The hotel’s location is a strong asset. The view from the rooms at the front of the building must be fantastic… We can’t agree with it because we didn’t book a room, but we did book the hotel’s apartment. This weekend there are three of us. To keep our overnight stay budget-friendly and because it is of course more fun, the apartment seems to be a good alternative. We pay 280 euros for two nights, excluding breakfast.

We are in good company this weekend. At the counter are pictures of famous guests: Robert de Niro, Audrey Tatou and our Belgian royal couple Albert and Paola.

We are kindly welcomed. At the counter are pictures of famous guests: Robert de Niro, Audrey Tatou and our Belgian royal couple Albert and Paola. We check in. The hotel clerk puts on his coat and walks us across the square. The apartment will be a little further away? In a small alley, the hotel clerk opens a gate and we go up a few stairs. We are here! The heating is already on, the apartment is nice and warm. Thoughtful with this cold weather. Thumbs up!

Appartement Hotel Vapore in Torno
Het appartement is uitgerust met een keukentje

The apartment is divided into two bedrooms, a lounge and dining area with kitchenette and a bathroom with separate toilet. Neatly furnished with simple furniture. The apartment is cosier than what the outside would suggest. Through the window in the bedroom we look straight at the rooms of B&B Torno alla Riva.

Appartement Hotel Vapore in Torno
Er zijn twee slaapkamers
Hotel Vapore in Torno
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! Het eerste ontbijtje van 2017 in hotel Vapore...

The breakfast at Hotel Vapore gets a nice score. And not just for the friendly New Years wishes we get. There is a wide choice of charcuterie, fruit, bread, sweets and cereals. Nothing to complain about! You pay 10 euros per person for breakfast.

Hotel Vapore, do or don’t? Absolutely do! A nice hotel with good location in Torno and with friendly staff.

But as far as this weekend is concerned, we miss some fun and dynamism. The occupancy rate of Hotel Vapore is low this weekend. You can feel and see that, of course. What else could we have expected during this time of year? No, we cannot say that we have not been well received, on the contrary. Hotel Vapore, we will definitely come back for a room with a view of the lake and a dinner on that fantastic terrace. Ciao!

Picture of Liselotte en Paul

Liselotte en Paul

Enthousiaste schouders onder onze blog Amiamo Lago di Como. Onze passie voor het Comomeer uitschrijven, dat is wat we graag doen!