Evviva! Amiamo Lago di Como will collaborate with Lario Servizi

Lario Servizi is a locally based player with an abundance of love for Lake Como. Locals, businesses and tourists are the ideal target audience. Supporting them with a variety of services is the mission. And we want to support this digitally with Amiamo Lago di Como.

Rent a stay on Lake Como… The appeal of the azure blue Lake Como in the north of Italy is great. A tourist hotspot on the world map where every lover of sports, culture, gastronomy and la dolce vita can indulge themselves. Tourism is inextricably linked to Lake Como. All those tourists must of course be serviced and, above all, find a location to stay. The traditional channels such as Booking.com and AirBnB are well known. But there are of course also locally anchored players who want and can provide added value to tourists with a personal touch and targeted service.

And that’s how Luciano and Cristian from Lario Servizi from Gera Lario came onto our radar. We met in August 2023 in Menaggio. Under a radiant sun and colorful Aperol, we get to know each other and decide to start a collaboration. Curious? Let us first introduce Lario Servizi!

Lario Servizi is an online portal aiming at three specific target groups. On number three locals. On number two local businesses such as artisan shops, bars, restaurants and clubs. And last but not least on number three is homo Turisticus.

Lario Servizi, offering one portal with up to a thousand different services. Local companies can call on Lario Servizi to build a website, develop a marketing strategy, supply computer hardware or find employees.

The local can give Lario Servizi a call for problems with the computer, ideas for leisure experiences, transport to and from and parcel services. Yes, always a solution at hand, the modern MacGyver of Lake Como. But we deviate…

It is of course about the last and most important target group, the tourist. Lario Servizi also offers various services for them. Hospitality. Transport on, over and next to the water. Photo and video reports for wedding couples, for example. Tips for restaurants. Ideas for sports activities. You can undoubtedly complete the list from your own experience.

And from all those services, we at Amiamo Lago di Como filter out one specific service. Hospitality on Lake Como.

Lario Servizi has several locations under its own management and has a mandate to rent out a large number of locations on behalf of. In total, Lario Servizi can today offer around 60 different apartments, houses and villas, neatly spread across the entire region around Lake Como.

Just take a look at the website. Using the handy search function you can quickly find a nice place for your stay on Italy’s Lake Como. Your stay on Lake Como can be arranged in just one click.

The title already gives away the idea of ​​this article. Amiamo Lago di Como and Lario Servizi join forces. We want to be a bridge between the tourist who is looking for a nice and suitable place to stay on the one hand and a local player with expertise and a nice range of locations for rent on the other.

Our Dutch-language blog scores well in the search engines in Belgium and the Netherlands. And Belgians and Dutch are an important target group for companies with a focus on tourism. And so you immediately understand why Amiamo Lago di Como and Lario Servizi are a match made in heaven.

We will be a dynamo to enthuse our readers with the services of Lario Servizi. How? You will discover that in the coming months.

Picture of Liselotte en Paul

Liselotte en Paul

Enthousiaste schouders onder onze blog Amiamo Lago di Como. Onze passie voor het Comomeer uitschrijven, dat is wat we graag doen!