Sturdy mountain hike to Monte Legnone on the roof of Lombardy

The mountain hike to Monte Legnone is a challenging journey to the highest peak in the region. A good condition is necessary to reach the top after some climbing at 2610 meters. At the top you'll enjoy breathtaking views of Lombardy. Highly recommended for enthusiasts.

Brisk mountain hike to Monte Legnone in the Lecco region… Today, climbing Monte Legnone, is a tough mountain hike on the program of our short stay here in Italy. Brisk because Monte Legnone with its 2610 meters altitude is the highest mountain peak in the region. The mountain ridge towers over the Varrone valley to the south and the Lesina valley to the north in the province of Lecco.

From Argegno (where we are staying) towards Lecco it is a drive away. We turn off the alarm clock at 6 o’clock in the morning. The sun has barely risen and the sky is turning blue. We don’t see a clound in the sky, ideal weather to go into the mountains! From the terrace we can see the top of Monte Legnone on the horizon between the other ridges.

We drive to Dervio and from there it goes over a winding track to Rifugio Roccoli Lorla. The higher we go, the narrower it gets. Several hairpin bends from left to right alternate through the small mountain villages of Vestreno, Introzzo and Tremenico. Rifugio Roccoli Lorla is also the starting point of the hike to Monte Legnoncino, the smaller brother of Monte Legnone. That walk is still recommended if it can all be a bit less spicy, but if you still want to be rewarded quickly with a beautiful view.

Monte Legnone
Monte Legnone bereiken vraagt zo’n drieënhalf uur klimmen
Monte Legnone
Onderweg kom je enkele boerderijen tegen waar je kaas kan kopen
Monte Legnone
Op moederkesdag wandelen wij

We start at half past eight. The walk starts along the left side of the Rifugio Roccoli Lorla and then turns to the right. We walk through the forest for an hour on an already quite tough forest path. Fortunately, the trees provide some shade. Once out of the forest we are greeted by a herd of goats grazing on an open plain. We also discover a farm where you can buy local cheese. So don’t panic if you forgot charcuterie on your sandwiches.

We divide the walk into more or less three stages. After the open plain, stage two starts here. The path becomes narrower and steeper and runs over a ridge. It is scrambling through the boulders and the pace drops. The sun on our neck and shoulders, the backpack that sticks to our back and above all the continuous rising line oblige us to make regular stops. But the effort pays off because the view is already fantastic.

Imagine… Below us the blue waters of Lake Como and Lugano, the mountain ranges all around and the silence of the mountains. In the background the bells of goats and cows grazing. Occasionally a marmot whistles with pleasure, probably because it’s just a free sunny Saturday morning.

The effort pays off. The view while walking is breathtakingly beautiful! Below us the blue waters of Lake Como and Lugano, the mountain ranges all around and the silence of the mountains.

Monte Legnone
Hoogtevrees? Via de bergkam gaat het stevig naar boven!

After more than an hour we arrive at a small mountain hut. Above us we see the cross on top of Monte Legnone. It doesn’t seem that far anymore, but the steeper mountain path gets even grimmer. After a break we continue to climb over the ridge, the third stage. Those who are afraid of heights will sometimes squeeze their buttocks. At some passages the edge of the abyss comes very close. At other times we swing on cables to get higher. And so it progresses steadily. Wild mountain goats look at us with a questioning look: “are you really that slow and clumsy on mountain slopes?”

Monte Legnone
De laatste rechten lijn naar de top op 2610 meter hoogte
Monte Legnone
De laatste meters naar de top van Monte Legnone is klimmen

We climb the last seven meters via reinforcing bars and cables. High five, we finally reach the top of Monte Legnone! Timecheck? Clock at noon. Climbed for three hours plus a half hour break. That is in line with what is indicated at the start of the walk.

The top is narrow and fairly populated. Many hikers are eating sandwiches there. The view here is truly breathtaking… Lake Como has become a puddle. We can see Milan in the distance. Green mountain ranges and deep valleys surround us, the small mountain lake Lago Deleguaccio below us. A brave man jumps down the hill with his paraglider to applause. We will often think back to him…

Monte Legnone
Parachutisten vertrekken wat graag op Monte Legnone
Monte Legnone
Top Monte Legnone
Monte Legnone
Ken geen angst!
We take the time for our afternoon lunch and refill the reserves. We dragged a lot of supplies up. Sandwiches, biscuits, energy bars and sports drink, bananas and (a lot of) water. Monte Legnone is no slouch. Always provide enough energy, a warm sweater and raincoat, sunscreen, … in short, the basic things when you go into the mountains.
Monte Legnone
Monte Legnone is de hoogste berg uit de regio
Monte Legnone
Het uitzicht is adembenemend. Een absolute aanrader wie graag in de bergen vertoeft
Monte Legnone
We did it!
Monte Legnone
Wilde berggeiten zorgen voor gezelschap
Monte Legnone
Kruis op de top van Monte Legnone

When we start the descent, a cloud slides in front of the sun. Immediately the temperature drops. Descending is difficult. The large boulders with the many height differences are an attack on the knees and the toes are pressed firmly against the inside of the shoes. Fatigue strikes a bit in the legs, resulting in some small sliders. And there that paraglider floats past again in our minds… Rising and then back down quietly under such a sail. Now that’s comfort on the flanks of Monte Legnone!

Finally, after 2.5 hours we are back at the parking lot. As far as we are concerned, the descent was more tiring than the ascent. Really keep that in mind. But what a satisfaction! Today we have pushed boundaries. Monte Legnone, how nice to be able to walk on your flanks.

We would absolutely recommend this walk, but a good condition and motivation are basic conditions. Only go up with properly adapted footwear and sufficient provisions and water. And now quickly down to the first bar we encounter because we have earned a solid Aperol!

Picture of Liselotte en Paul

Liselotte en Paul

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