From a terrace in Varenna to the top of Monte Legnoncino

The (mountain) walk to Monte Legnoncino is an absolute must do when you are near Varenna. It takes some effort but you will be rewarded with a fantastic view over Lake Como.

Hike to the top of Monte Legnoncino… Although it is November, we are still sitting on a sun-drenched terrace in Varenna. After 85 car kilometers we take a breather with an aperitif. Who can blame us for that?

After visiting Faro Voltiano in Brunate we drove via Erba to beautiful Varenna on the eastern arm of Lake Como.

Together with Bellagio and Menaggio, Varenna forms a triangle in which ferries connect the three cities. These convenient and popular (boat) connections make these cities grand tourist attractions.

Aperol in Varenna

There are hardly any tourists and the hotels and restaurants are closed. But as far as we’re concerned, that shouldn’t be a problem at all.

But in the low season the cards are shuffled differently. There are only a handful of tourists and the doors of hotels and restaurants are signposted chiuso. But as far as we’re concerned, that shouldn’t be a problem at all! We enjoy the peace and quiet and walk through the narrow streets and are amazed by the many beautiful but pricey hotels. There is room in the city which is definitely not the case during summer period. Fortunately, not everyone is in hibernation: a bar still serves an aperitif and a small bite.

Het schilderachtige Varenna ligt aan de oostelijke arm van het Comomeer

A small bite. We filled our energy tank with bruschetti. We are going for a walk this afternoon on the Monte Legnoncino, a mountain with a height of 1711 meters a little further. Monte Legnoncino is Monte Legnone’s little twin brother.

By car we drive along Lake Como to Dervio, about fifteen minutes further from Varenna. In Dervio we turn right and it goes successively from Tremenico, Valvarrone, Introzzo to Rifugio Roccoli Lorla. A trajectory of 18 kilometers of winding mountain roads with narrow passages and hairpin bends. The sun is low so pay attention or you hit an oncoming vehicle. The landscape becomes more erratic, we drive straight into the mountains.

On the way we pass through small villages where residents are busy cutting wood for the stoves. It will be quite harsh during winter season. You must be in the mood for like living so remote…

After a 40 minute drive we turn into the parking lot at Rifugio Roccoli Lorla at 1463 meters altitude. We are not alone, there are a few other cars parked.

Meanwhile, the temperature has dropped considerably, there is a layer of frost on the grass and a pond just doesn’t freeze up yet.

Rifugio Roccoli Lorla
De wandeling start vanaf Rifugio Roccoli Lorla

We put on the hiking boots and wrap a scarf. Here we go, our first real hike on Lake Como. The wide hiking trail is well maintained and easy to walk. By the way, you would also easily reach the top with a mountain bike. We keep a good pace. The noses are wide open… Feels good winter scent in the woods!

Monte Legnoncino
Het uitzicht op de Monte Legnoncino is adembenemend

After a forty minute walk you reach the plateau where you can have a picnic. We don’t have the knapsack with us, so we continue straight away. On an information board we read (more or less) that the paths on Monte Legnoncino date from or were used during the Great War for troop movements.

Ten minutes higher we reach a chapel San Sfirio. Via the narrow path on the left we walk further (another hundred meters) to the top of Monte Legnoncino. We are not alone there… Mountain goats look upset when we wake them from a siesta. Sorry not so sorry! It smells like goat stable, noses can be closed again.

At the top is a large cross and a small white statue of Mary watching over the valley. Wow! At thWhat a breathtaking view… On the right is Riserva Naturale Pian di Spagna and on the left you see Bellagio dividing Lake Como in half. We take time to enjoy the view… Too bad that the sun quickly begins to sink behind the mountain tops. Time to return…

Along the way you have beautiful views of the snow-capped mountain peaks and deep into the valleys colored by the autumn leaves on the trees.

Monte Legnoncino
Besneeuwde bergtoppen
Riserva Naturale Pian di Spagna
Riserva Naturale Pian di Spagna
Monte Legnoncino
Ook berggeiten weten het uitzicht bovenop Monte Legnoncino te appreciëren

The walk to Monte Legnoncino is great! After a short and easy walk you will have a fantastic view of the valleys around Lake Como.

The walk down is teeth grinding. It is freezing! The gloves that didn’t fit in the hand luggage would have been nice. What have we learned today? Hiking in the mountains in November is fun, in the sun but with appropriate clothing!
Monte Legnoncino
De laatste honderd meter naar de top loopt over een smal paadje

The hike to Monte Legnoncino was great! After a short and easy walk you will have a fantastic view of the valleys around Lake Como. This walk is also suitable for children. But Keep an eye on them for the last hundred meters to the top!

With the heating in the car at maximum we zigzag back down. Thinking of our reservation at Trattoria del Fagiano tonight is actually warming us up the most.

Picture of Liselotte en Paul

Liselotte en Paul

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