By car from Faggeto Lario to Bellagio

We drive by car from Faggeto Lario to Pognana Lario to arrive in the tourist bustle of Bellagio. Along the way we enjoy the beautiful views and we don't miss an opportunity to drink an aperitif!

On a trip from Faggeto Lario to Bellagio… Autumn sun is trying hard, morning foggy times are lifting. Not a moment too soon because today we have planned a scenic 30km long route : we drive through the Stradale Provinciale 538 from Como to Bellagio. We are curious how life is at Lake Como in November… We pass Blevio and Torno and make our first stop in Fagetto Lario.

We follow the signs imbarchi because those lead always to the waterline. This is your guarantee on taking a beautifull shot. The steps leading down to the shore are overgrown with weeds, covered with autumn leaves and slightly subsides. After some shuffling we reach the water. We do take our pictures and walk back to the car down following the the road.

Faggeto Lario
Faggeto Lario ligt aan de rand van het Comomeer
Faggeto Lario
Haventje van Faggeto Lario

A bit further in Pognana Lario it is time for the first aperitif. Due prossecci taste delicious. The bartender is reassuring, tomorrow weather forecast predicts mild autumn weather. In a good mood we continue exploring.

In Pognana Lario we recently found holiday apartments on the internet. We decide to go and see if we would like to spend our next summer vacation here. The domain is deserted and gives a desolate impression. Ok, November and tourism don’t go together, nevertheless we’re not convinced yet. We need to Google to have a better alternative. Anyone with ultimate tip?…

Peppo’s bar in Pognana Lario
Apertief in Peppo’s bar in Pognana Lario met uitzicht op het comomeer

Bellagio is a beautiful but touristic attraction. But be aware that there are still beautiful and authentic places to discover on Lake Como!

After a short stop in Lezzeno we arrive in Bellagio… For us Bellagio is a different story. The village is invariably labeled as the most beautiful village on Lake Como. Bellagio is by far also the most visited village by tourists. Therefore you will find a wide range of hotels, restaurants and shops. Villa Serbelloni and Villa Melzi are just some of the beautiful villas you will find in Bellagio.

So much beauty in a small space… What does that remind you of? At an amusement park! In the summer, Bellagio is overrun by tourists. The prices of hotels and restaurants are rising sharply. An aperitif here will cost you twice as much as you would pay further down the road. The shops are intended to (well-off) tourists: jewellery, watches, art, antiques, but also olive oil and wine.

La Punta in Bellagio
La Punta in Bellagio deelt het Comomeer in twee delen

Nevertheless, Bellagio remains more than worth visiting and discovering the city. But put the tourist guides into perspective and know that there are even more beautiful more authentic villages to discover on Lake Como. t’s just what you’re looking for of course. This blog grew out of this conviction: we want to discover the real Lake Como and above all show that it is not all fancy and by definition expensive.

To end the day we want to go to La Punta, the very tip of Bellagio where Lake Como is literally split in two. We go by car and do three tours through the many one-way streets before we finally get out of Bellagio. Walking would have been a better option of course.

What does La Punta offer? A closed restaurant, a small harbor and a beautiful view of the snow-capped peaks. The brisk breeze is included today!

Picture of Liselotte en Paul

Liselotte en Paul

Enthousiaste schouders onder onze blog Amiamo Lago di Como. Onze passie voor het Comomeer uitschrijven, dat is wat we graag doen!
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